Friday, 2 August 2013

‘Life’ team welcomed their own family members !

To strengthen the values of togetherness and to introduce the family members of the employees working at Project ‘Life’, the organization arranged an event cum get-together on 27th July, 2013.
The perfect blend of formal and informal, professional and personal was created on the day of the event. The employees of Project ‘Life’ were welcomed with their spouse, mothers, fathers and children with traditional garland of ‘Suttar ni Aanti’ at the arrival.
These family members were apprised of the activities of Project ‘Life’ and then the formal programme of appreciating and applauding the efforts of the employees started. The dignitaries of Project ‘Life’ on the dais were Shri Shashikant Koticha (Managing Trustee, Project ‘Life’), Shri Chandrakant Koticha (Executive Trustee, Project ‘Life’), Shri Ashish Koticha and Smt. Meetal Shah (Joint Directors, Project ‘Life’), Dr. Gautam Dave and Dr. Kamal Parikh (Honorary Directors, Project ‘Life’) and Pro. Natubhai Rajpara (Media & Publication Advisor, Project ‘Life’).
Shri Chandrakant Koticha and Shri Shashikant Koticha gave an account of how their journey had begun and how the employees of Project ‘Life’ made them realize their dreams. While Pro. Rajpara and Dr. Gautam Dave shared their gratifying experiences of being associated with Project ‘Life’.
On this occasion, Dr. Kamal Parikh delivered a discourse on how the family values and relations affect the individual and subsequently to the organization. The addressees were overwhelmed with joy when Dr. Parikh explained the full form of family as ‘Father and Mother I Love You’. After the session, everyone enjoyed eachother’s company in the dinner delicacy.  It was a remarkable event for all the staff members and their family members. 

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